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KAU Little League Baseball & Softball

KAU Local Rules


Weeknights: For games that begin at 5:30 pm, a new inning may not begin after 7:15 pm, regardless of the actual start time of the game. For games beginning at 7:30 pm, a new inning may not begin after 9:35 pm, regardless of the actual start time of the game.

Weekends: For games that begin at 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, and 7:00pm, a new inning may not begin after 1 hour 50 minutes of the scheduled start of the game.

• The exception to this rule is if there is no game immediately following and both managers agree to a time limit prior to the start of the game.

• Games ended by the 10-run mercy rule (per the rule book) will not be allowed to continue play beyond that point nor will the winning team be allowed to have its final at-bats in the inning if it is the home team. These time limit rules are to be enforced by the umpires and the managers.

Base Coaches: If the manager and both coaches are present, a team may elect to use two of the team’s three coaches/manager as base coaches at both first and third base (in lieu of using one coach and one player as in the past). The other coach/manager MUST remain in the dugout with the players. Maximum 3 adults in the dugout at all times.

If a batter has indicated a bunt, the batter shall not pull back and swing away (for safety considerations).

If a ball becomes lodged in or under the padding or fencing, it will remain a live ball and the players should attempt to retrieve the ball and continue play, unless the Umpire calls time out. It is at the Umpire’s discretion to award a runner an extra base(s), if the runner was advancing on the play.

Pitching Rules:

A Pitcher once removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher.

Pitch Count & Days Rest: Applies to all pitchers regardless of age

• Maximum of 85 pitches per game (pitcher may finish the batter and go over 85).

• If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.

• If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

• If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.

• If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.

• If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

• Minimum playing time of 9 defensive outs for 6-inning games. Minimum playing time of 6 defensive outs for games less than 6 innings.

• All players must play at least one (1) inning in the infield.

• A player cannot sit on the bench more than two (2) innings in a row unless injured

• Free substitution of defensive players is allowed throughout the game (except for pitcher).

• Continuous batting order (late arriving players are put at the end of the order)

• For balks, there is one warning per pitcher per game. Every balk thereafter is enforced.

• No Metal Spikes on cleats

• No head first slides when advancing bases.


1. Time Limits:

Weeknights: For games that begin at 5:30 pm, a new inning may not begin after 7:15pm, regardless of the actual start time of the game. For games beginning at 7:30 pm, a new inning may not begin after 9:35 pm, regardless of the actual start time of the game.

Weekends: For games that begin at 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, and 7:00pm, a new inning may not begin after 1 hour 50 minutes. The exception to this rule is if there is no game immediately following and both managers agree to a time limit prior to the start of the game.

At All Times: Games ended by the 10-run mercy rule (per the rule book) will not be allowed to continue play beyond that point nor will the winning team be allowed to have its final at-bats in the inning if it is the home team. These time limit rules are to be enforced by the umpires and the managers.

T-BALL Division:

1. Continuous batting order (late arriving players are put at end of order).

2. All players in the line-up bat once each inning and then the inning is over.

3. Pitcher must remain on rubber until ball is hit.

4. Batted ball must travel 10 feet to be fair. No Bunting in T-Ball

5. All players on the defensive team may play in the field; however, infield positions are restricted to normal number of players to keep base paths clear.

6. Coach pitch is allowed - If the player wants to still hit off the 'T' and coach agrees then this will be allowed.

- If the player misses the first 3 pitches then the player should hit off the 'T'

- The coach can pitch either underhand or overhand.

2. Base Coaches: If the manager and both coaches are present, a team may elect to use two of the team’s three coaches/manager as base coaches at both first and third base (in lieu of using one coach and one player as in the past). The other coach/manager MUST remain in the dugout with the players. Maximum 3 adults in the dugout at all times.

3. If a batter has indicated a bunt, the batter shall not pull back and swing away (for safety considerations).

4. If a ball becomes lodged in or under the padding or fencing, it will remain a live ball and the players should attempt to retrieve the ball and continue play, unless the umpire calls time out. It is at the Umpire’s discretion to award a runner an extra base(s), if the runner was advancing on the play.

5. Local Rules apply during KAU playoff tournament.

6. Pitching Rules per Green Book is in effect. This will dictate the number of pitches and the rest required when it is not otherwise stated in our local rules.

Minor D Division:

1. Continuous batting order (late arriving players are put at the end of the order).

2. Five (5) runs max per inning. Once 5 runs are reached, the half-inning ends.

3. No base stealing.

4. No advancement by base runners on an overthrow. No advancement by base runners after the ball is returned to the infield.

5. Pitchers will be placed on opposite side of Batter. EG: Right Handed Batter, Pitcher will stand to left side of mound. (Safety reasons)

6. If a batted ball strikes the pitching machine or screen and remains in fair territory, it is considered a live ball, no other ball will be entered into play for any reason.

7. No player may play at the same position more than two innings per game. All players must play at least two innings in the infield.

8. Maximum of ten players in the field. All others must remain in the dugout.

9. Outfielders to play 10’ off the infield in a rainbow formation. This will be marked by cones.

10.Equal playing time for all players.

11.Infield Fly Rule is not in play.

Minor C Division:

1. Continuous batting order (late arriving players are put at the end of the order).

2. Five (5) run max per inning. Once 5 runs are reached, the half-inning ends.

3. Limit of 4 attempted steals per team per inning. Included in this number, there will be one attempted stealing of home base permitted per inning per team. Delayed steals are not allowed. An attempted steal is defined as being tagged while advancing. Returning to base safely is not an attempted steal.

4. Catchers and Base Runners: To encourage catchers to learn to throw to 2nd and 3rd base during steal attempts, a base runner cannot advance beyond the base he or she is stealing even if the catcher overthrows the base.

5. For each throwing error a player may advance one base at risk. A player attempting to take a 2nd base will return safely to the first base. A play is dead when all eligible runners have advanced one base or the ball is demonstrated to be under control in the infield. On any given play, there cannot be more than one overthrow.

6. No walks allowed. Once the pitcher throws 4 balls the coach of that team will take over and pitch until the batter puts the ball in play or strikes out. The pitcher will stand next to the coach and play the position.

7. Pitchers will be placed on opposite side of Batter. EG: Right Handed Batter, Pitcher will stand to left side of mound. Safety reasons .

8. The strike zone will be widened the width of the ball off each corner. The height of the strike zone will be from the player’s armpits to the bottom of his/her knees.

9. Overthrows from Catcher to Pitcher: No advancing.

10. No player may play at the same position more than two innings per game. All Players must play at least two innings in the infield. An inning is defined as 3 outs.

11. Maximum of ten players in the field. All others must remain in the dugout.

12. Outfielders to play 10’ off the infield in a rainbow formation. This can be marked by cones.

13. Equal playing time for all players.

14. Pitchers may pitch from 40 feet. However, if the child demonstrates that he or she can pitch from 46 feet they should pitch from the 46 foot distance.

15. Infield Fly Rule is not in play.

Minor B Division:

1. Continuous batting order (late arriving players are put at the end of the order).

2. Each player shall play a minimum of 2 innings in the infield each game.

3. Limit of 4 attempted steals per team per inning. Included in this number, there will be one attempted stealing of home base permitted per inning per team. Delayed steals are not allowed. An attempted steal is defined as being tagged while advancing. Returning to base safely is not an attempted steal.

4. Catchers and Base runners: To encourage catchers to learn to throw to 2nd and 3rd base during steal attempts, a base runner cannot advance beyond the base he or she is stealing even if the catcher overthrows the base.

5. Ten players may be used defensively as long as the 10th player remains in the outfield on the grass. The 10th player cannot be used as an additional infielder. Outfielders to play 10’ off the infield in a rainbow formation. If at least one team can only field 9 players, then teams can agree to play with 9 fielders.

6. For each throwing error a player may advance one base. On any given play, there cannot be more than one overthrow.

7. Overthrows from Catcher to Pitcher: advancing is permitted – one base. Not considered a steal.

8. A maximum of 5 runs may be scored per inning. Once 5 runs are reached, the half-inning ends.

9. Play will become dead when the ball is in the possession of the pitcher.

10. A pitcher is to be removed from the position of pitcher if he or she hits three (3) batters during the game.

11.The maximum number of pitches for any pitcher in Minor B (regardless of age) shall be the lesser of: a) # of pitches per age per green book, or b) maximum 3 innings per game, which-ever comes first. Also, 3 innings is counted as 9 outs.

12.The strike zone will be widened the width of the ball off each corner. The height of the strike zone will be from the player’s armpits to the bottom of his/her knees.

13.Infield Fly rule is not in play.

Minor A Division:

1. Continuous batting order (late arriving players are put at the end of the order).

2. Each player shall play a minimum of 2 innings in the infield each game.

3. Limit of 4 attempted steals per team per inning (all 4 can be of home). No delayed steals. An attempted steal is defined as being tagged while advancing.  Returning to base safely is not an attempted steal.

4. No player shall sit on the bench two innings in a row unless injured.

5. Games are to be played with 9 players.

6.  A maximum of 5 runs may be scored per inning. Once 5 runs are reached, the half inning ends.

7. If a pitcher hits 3 batters during the game, the pitcher must be removed.

8. The maximum number of pitches for any pitcher in Minor A (regardless of age) shall be the lesser of: number of pitches per age 10 or 11 (per green book), or b) maximum 3 innings per game, whichever comes first. For pitch count purposes, all Minor A pitchers shall be considered as 10 year olds (limited to number of pitches listed in green book as a 10 year old). So, 11 year olds pitching in Minor A are limited to the 10 year old pitching rules listed above. Also, 3 innings is counted as 9 outs.

9. Infield Fly rule is not in play.

10. A play is considered “dead” once the ball is under control of the pitcher on the mound.

KAU Little League

873 East Baltimore Pike, PMB 472
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348
Email : [email protected]
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